Saturday, April 29, 2006

Oklahoma City Tour

We had some time to tool around OKC while we were there - talk about a really depressed and dumpy area of the country.

There were a few nice spots we found - just south of downtown, an older historic district. The OKC Bombing Memorial was really VERY sad…just look at this photo. I hope the guys that did this ROT IN HELL FOR ETERNITY!
There was an art festival going on right next to the Cox Arena - this is where most of the pictures are from. 
It was really a crappy place for our last USAG meet - considering we had gone to Dallas twice earlier this year. It wasn’t very pretty, and just no variety. Course, USAG has never been known for making any kind of sense whatsoever.
We had to drive there, since we weren’t sure if Diane would even compete - we saw a wicked wreck just after the state line in OK…otherwise an INCREDIBLY boring drive -
See the Competition for more on that…

Level 10 Gymnastics - National Meet
April 29, 2006 on 7:48 pm | In just photoggin... | No Comments

Monday, April 24, 2006

Texas School - Photography at A&M

Wow, what a deal I fell into. My friend Scott - that I work events with, has a friend in WV, Gary. Gary and Scott are good friends and usually attend the TPS every year. Well, his friend Gary had some issues come up and wasn’t able to go. He called me and asked if I wanted his ticket - I think it’s usually something like $500 for this.
I knew it was going to be a hectic week, we were leaving for Oklahoma on Thursday for JO Nats. I also had no time to do a hotel room or get someone to watch dogs..and I figured…Val drove this for 6 months, 2 times a week..i could do it for a few days. ugh! it’s like 65 miles from here to a&m - the only trouble i had was once I got there, finding my way around the campus. it’s huge!

I wasn’t overly impressed with the instructor - he did give some good advice on posing, and some really bad advice on posing. He had some good lighting instructions. I could give a shit about the marketing advice he had. All marketing is sleazy to me it seems. We photographed a couple of models, a bride and groom, and a cadet (nice looking!). He really kinda sleazed me out at the end..when he was talking about how much money he makes per month - like 100k with 4 studios - and then in the next breath - talked about being on food stamps for the first time in his life during Hurricane Katrina….hmmm, something doesn’t sound right does it?

Sunday, April 2, 2006

Annual Bluebonnet Photos with the Family

Bluebonnets were NOT in abundance this year. We’ve had a pretty dry spring for this area - I heard somewhere it’s the “la nina” effect..
Val came home for the day - and we packed up my new (04) camry - and off we went towards A&M - out hwy 105 like we did the last time. We didn’t feel like hauling all 3 dogs with us, so we left them at home. We actually took the first set of pictures in a ditch! It seems the bluebonnets were growing mostly in lower areas that may have gotten water at one point. The girls have been into “posing” lately….strange.
We took several detours trying to find great bluebonnets..we never did find them though. GB as usual, wouldn’t look at the map i had provided…someone on the Texas Photo Forum had kinda mapped out the good bb areas. We did find a really cool back road - we stopped and took some pics where a horse farm was - then stopped again at the VFW Hall on 105 and took a few more.
Haha, the one of D coming out from behind the tree while Val was trying to be all serious - is hysterical!
Then home again…